LawPro's Automation Platform

Revolutionize your analysis with our AI technology to organize and timeline medical records

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How It Works

Upload Client Records In <1 Minute

Upload client medical records and allow our AI platform to organize in less than one minute.

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Get Faster Insights

Identify strengths, weaknesses, and red flags of your case instantly instead of waiting weeks or months for staff and 3rd party firms to review medical records.

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Simplified Medical Chronology and Summary

Using artificial intelligence automation, review a categorized medical chronology and detailed case summary of your case, which can be used in your demand letter.

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Scale Your Firm

Increase your case load and scale your firm without hiring additional staff. Our technology allow you to work better and faster, and removes the bottlenecks of manually organizing and analyzing medical records.

social media assests
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Close More Deals - Techbit X Webflow Template
leads icon

Know in which stage of the process your leads are in

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit auctor amet sit pellentesque bibendum egestas.

pipeline view profile
Pipeline view

Lectus felis lacus erat blandit morbi vitae donec.

individual lead profile
Contact view

Facilisis aliquam tortor rhoncus diam aliquet erat.

Get started
sales icon

Discover what are your sales bottlenecks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit auctor amet sit pellentesque bibendum egestas.

pipeline view profile
Weekly & monthly reports

Lectus felis lacus erat blandit morbi vitae donec.

individual lead profile
Advanced analytics

Lectus felis lacus erat blandit morbi vitae donec.

Get started
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The Future-Forward
‍Approach to Case Analysis

Reduce Support Costs

Law Firms collectively spend $6 billion annually on resource support costs for cases. Paying staff to manually organize, analyze, and timeline can now be automated.

See a Demo
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Gain Faster Insights

Instead of waiting weeks or months for staff and 3rd party firms to review medical records, identify strengths, weaknesses, and red flags to your case instantly.

See a Demo

Increase Case Values

With better insights from our meticulously designed AI platform, Law Firms are receiving higher settlements and judgements.

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social media assests

Scale Your Firm

By leveraging LawPro automation, your team can focus on client interactions, case progression, and adding case volume without the burden of additional time-consuming tasks.

See a Demo
"My paralegals no longer dread creating timelines manually because LawPro allows us to automate this work. Morale across paralegals is up!"

- Ruth S. (Lawyer, midsize firm)
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graph icon

Monitor all sales reports at a glance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit auctor amet sit pellentesque bibendum egestas.

custom support icon
Custom reports dashboard

Lectus felis lacus erat blandit morbi vitae.

individual team reports icon
Individual team reports

Facilisis aliquam tortor rhoncus diam .

Get started

Start using the Legal AI platform of the future, today.